Sunday, January 22, 2006

The "Women in their 30s Sexual Peak": Myth or Reality?

I've heard all my life that men supposedly hit their sexual peak somewhere in their late-teens, and that women hit theirs sometime in their early-to-mid 30s. I'm not sure whether it's been scientifically proven to be the case, or just been over-promoted in the media who enjoy the irony of the age-gap thing (and who like making Hollywood movies such as Class).

Anyway, here's the deal...based on personal experience, I think it's true.

I recently turned 34, and I have definitely noticed an increase in my libido (just over the past couple of months). Is it because of hormones or something? I don't know. But it's as though there's an autonomous part of my anatomy (located somewhere in the vicinity of my uterus) that's decided, "Time to make babies...get out of the're gettin' it on!"

Is it fun being constantly horny? Yes...unless it happens to be the middle of the day and I happen to be at work. I often have to take long walks during my lunch hour to work it off. (Now I understand why teenage boys are encouraged to get involved in sports). It's also no fun to be in my boss's office, in the middle of a meeting or something, and to suddenly have a sexual thought (not about my boss) pop from out of nowhere into my head. (What's that? were saying something about...? My mind just wandered off there for a moment there...Sorry.) It's also not a good thing when you have one of those thoughts, and as a result, unconsciously flash an inappropriate-looking smile in the vicinity of your boss (who in my case, just happens to be a recently-divorced male, and may not understand that I'm not actually intending to flirt with him!)

My husband doesn't mind my recent horniness at all. He's like..."Oh, yeah...I remember now..this is what it was like when we first started dating." The only problem is that he has trouble finding the time to work, study (he's re-examining his career path, and recently started going back to school) and cater to my enormous sex-drive. The poor guy doesn't get any sleep! Oh, complaints from him yet.